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Salaam all

وَإِذْ يُرِيكُمُوهُمْ إِذِ الْتَقَيْتُمْ فِي أَعْيُنِكُمْ قَلِيلاً وَيُقَلِّلُكُمْ فِي أَعْيُنِهِمْ لِيَقْضِيَ اللّهُ أَمْرًا كَانَ مَفْعُولاً وَإِلَى اللّهِ تُرْجَعُ الأمُورُ

Waith yureekumoohum ithi iltaqaytum fee aAAyunikum qaleelan wayuqallilukum fee aAAyunihim liyaqdiya Allahu amran kana mafAAoolan waila Allahi turjaAAu alomooru
The Aya says:
And as He shows them to you (plural) as you met, in your eyes a few and he makes you look few in their eyes, in order that Allah pass what is to be done. And to Allah all matters return.
My personal note:
The Aya continues that for some reason Allah made both groups look much smaller in the eye of the other. Perhaps this decreases the anxiety in the mind of the Muslim group and makes the other feel complacent.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Waith: and as
Yureekumoohum: He shows them to you (plural)
Note: YUREEKUMOOHUMU is derived from the root is R-Hamza-Y and it means viewing or seeing. YUREEKUMOOHUMU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making the object (KUM= plural you) view or see is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular) of another object (HUMU= them)

Ithi: as
Iltaqaytum: you (plural) met each other(for battle)
Note; ILTAQAYTUM is derived from the root L-Qaf-Y and it means receiving as a concept which would be understood more specifically according to the sentence. Concrete uses of the word are a female that gets pregnant easily, therefore she received the sperm well. It is also used for the birds that hunt because they receive the prey easily and so forth. ILTAQAYTUM is an action that is completed. It means: the action of meeting face to face of the subjects happened.

Fee: in
aAAyunikum: your eyes
Note: the root is Ain-Y-N and it means eye and water spring in the concrete. It could be that both are related in the fact that they have water oozing out of them. aAAYUNI means eyes of. KUM means plural you.

Qaleelan: a few
Note: the root is Qaf-L-L and it means becoming few in quality or quantity. QALEELAN is little or few in quality and in quantity.
Wayuqallilukum: and He makes your few
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA is often translated as an addition (and), but inclusion probably covers the meaning a little better. YUQALLILUKUM is derived from the root Qaf-L-L and it means becoming few in quality or quantity. YUQALLILU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action making the object (KUM= plural you0 few is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah)
Fee: in
aAAyunihim: their eyes
Note: the root is Ain-Y-N and it means eye and water spring in the concrete. It could be that both are related in the fact that they have water oozing out of them. aAAYUNI means eyes of. HIM means them.
Liyaqdiya: in order that He complete / carry one/ to conclude
Note: LI means to or in order. YAQDIYA is derived from the root Qaf-Dhad-Y and it means a mandate that one makes to completion of it and anything in between. It points to determination at the beginning and the finishing of it towards the end. The meaning of the word is according to the sentence, sometimes the sentence allows the whole range and at others, part of the range of the meaning. LIYAQDIYA is an action that is to be completed or concluded by the subject (Allah).

Allahu: Allah
Amran: a matter/ an order
Note: AMRAN is derived from The root Hamza-M-R and it means ordering something and the implementation of it. Sometimes it attains the implementation part or matter as in personal matter and so forth, and at times it is the order and implementation of the order, depending on the situation in the sentence. AMRAN in this context means an implementation of a decision of and something like that or an order of.
Kana: was/ happened to be
Note: the root is K-W-N and it means being. KANA is an action that is completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of being happened by the subject (third personal singular or plural). This in turn means: He/ they was or He/ they happened to be
mafAAoolan: done/ being done
Note: MAFAAooLAN is derived from the root F-Ain-L and it means doing. MAFAAooLAN means done or being done.
Waila: and to/ and towards
Allahi: Allah
turjaAAu: are returned
Note: the root is R-J-Ain and it means returning. TURJaAAu is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of returning the object (third person plural) is happening or will be happening by an undeclared subject.
Alomooru: the matters/ the implements

Note: The root Hamza-M-R and it means ordering something and the implementation of it. Sometimes it attains the implementation part or matter as in personal matter and so forth, and at times it is the order and implementation of the order, depending on the situation in the sentence. ALOMOORU in this context means an implementation of a decision of and something like that or an order of.

Salaam all and have a great day.


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