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Salaam all,

وَلاَ يَحْسَبَنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ سَبَقُواْ إِنَّهُمْ لاَ يُعْجِزُونَ
Wala yahsabanna allatheena kafaroo sabaqoo innahum la yuAAjizoona

The Aya says:
And the ones who rejected should not think that they have succeeded. Verily they cannot push back.

My personal note:
This Aya is a message to those who reject Allah’s message and see some success at a particular time. It tells them not to be too happy of the short term gain for the end they are incapable of overcoming what Allah has in store for them in this life and the next.

In this is a message to all humanity not to resist Allah’s will because He will always be on top. So, the only place to run to, if we believe that Allah is angry with us, is to Him. This is because He will always accept us back and love us back.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Wala: and not
Yahsabanna: they think/ they calculate/ they estimate
Note: YAHSABANNA is derived from the root Ha-S-B and it means calculating from all the aspects of it. YAHSABANNA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of calculation or in this context thinking and estimating is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural).

Allatheena: those who
Kafaroo: rejected (Allah and His message)/ discarded
Note: the root is K-F-R and it means cover or bury in the ground, as in put the seed in the ground and cover it. This is then used conceptually for many purposes as in discarding and rejecting as well as burying. KAFARO is an action that is completed. It means: the action of rejection or discarding of the object (not declared, but understood from the context to point to God and/or the message) happened by the subject (third person plural).
Sabaqoo: they preceded/ they beat
Note: SABAQOO is derived from the root S-B-Qaf and it means being ahead in time or place or in a race. Conceptually, it is used for preceding and for racing. SABAQOO is an action that is completed. It means the action of preceding happened by the subject (third person singular or plural). In here it carries the meaning of beating the odds and overcoming Allah’ plans.

Innahum: indeed they
La: not/ no/ do not
yuAAjizoona: pushing back/ resisting/ overcoming
Note: the root is Ain-J-Z and it means push away. In concrete it is used for pushing the dirt away and so on. Conceptually, it is used for inability or failure as well as for pushing away. YuAAJIZOON is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means: the action of successfully pushing back or resisting or overcoming is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural). This is of course negated by the la= no that preceded.

Salaam all and have a great day.

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