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Salaam all,

إِنَّمَا يَعْمُرُ مَسَاجِدَ اللّهِ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ وَأَقَامَ الصَّلاَةَ وَآتَى الزَّكَاةَ وَلَمْ يَخْشَ إِلاَّ اللّهَ فَعَسَى أُوْلَـئِكَ أَن يَكُونُواْ مِنَ الْمُهْتَدِينَ
Innama yaAAmuru masajida Allahi man amana biAllahi waalyawmi alakhiri waaqama alssalata waata alzzakata walam yakhsha illa Allaha faAAasa olaika an yakoonoo mina almuhtadeena
The Aya says:
The one who enlivens the mosques of Allah is none other than the one who has faith in Allah and the day that is coming, and established/ maintains the ritual prayer, and made come the fruition and did not fear but Allah. So hopefully those will be among the guided.
My personal note:
The Aya continues the same subject and gives the criteria for the one who actually brings life to the mosques by following the above criteria. It is also interesting that the Aya actually brings about the when one fears Allah alone, it frees him/ her from all the other fears that the person may have in this life.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Innama: none other than
yaAAmuru : enliven/ visit / pray in
Note: the root is Ain-M-R and it means to become alive for some length of time. The concrete word is AAUMR and it means age or length of life. Conceptually, it carries also the meaning of livening an entity either by building it or having it full of life as in people and so on. YaAAMURU is an action that is being or completed or will be completed. It means: the action of bringing life or livening the object (Masajida= mosques of) is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular)
Masajida: mosques of
Note: the root is S-J-D and in concrete it means in one concrete form: a tree that is tilting downward due to a heavy load of fruits. It therefore is used conceptually to mean tilting downward of the face or the body including prostration as well as showing any sign of submission to a higher power. The range of meaning all those meanings together and one needs to understand it as both unless there is a strong reason in the sentence or elsewhere in the Qur’an to make one meaning inappropriate or impossible. MASJID is the place and can also apply in addition to time of Sujood and that is prostration. The term is used for any place of worship and more particularly a mosque. MASAJIDA is plural form of the word
Allahi: Allahi
Man: who
Amana: made himself safe/ became faithful
Note: the root Hamza-M-N and it means safety. Conceptually, it can also be extended to trust as well, because we feel safe in the entity we trust. AMANA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of making oneself safe is happened by the subject (third person singular).
biAllahi: by Allah/ in Allah
Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it. In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action. This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on. ALLAH is Allah
Waalyawmi: and the day of
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning. ALYAWMI is derived from the root Y-W-M and it means day. ALYAWMI means the day of.

Alakhiri: the later/ the remaining
Note: ALAKHIRI is derived from the root Hamza-KH-R and it means remaining. ALAKHIRI means the remaining or the later. This ALYAMWMI ALAKHIRI, in turn means the later day or the day of judgment.
Waaqama: And he established/maintained
Note: Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning. AQAMA is derived from the root Qaf-W-M and it means standing upright or standing. The upright can be in all planes of position and for a horizontal dimension it means straight. AQAMOO is an action that is completed. It means: the action of establishing or keeping upright or maintaining happened by the subject (third person plural)

Alssalata: the ritual prayer
Note: the root is Sad-L-Y and it means two main things in concrete. One is the lower back area and this one is used for one who is racing towards a goal and the head is close to the lower back of the one who is ahead. It is also used in concrete to mean heat and warmth and fire. The word is used for prayer as well. In this context, ALSSALATA is the ritual prayer.
waata : and he brought about
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA is often translated as an addition (and), but inclusion probably covers the meaning a little better. In this area the WAW is used to begin a new sentence. ATA is derived from the root Hamza-T-Y and it means coming with determination. The concrete word is for the water that flows in a place where it did not rain, therefore suggesting that the water came from somewhere else. ATA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of bringing about the object (ALZZAKATA = the fruition/ the sharing) happened by the subject (third person singular)
Alzzakata: the fruition/ the nurture
Note: the root is Z-K-W and it means maturing/growing. In the concrete it means bringing about fruit. ALZZAKATA is what makes things bear fruit and nurture. In general the term takes the role of obligatory charity and it can be extrended to any form of sharing that helps the community thrive and prosper and be nurtured.
Walam: And not
Yakhsha: fear (with hope)
Note: the root is KH-SH-Y and it carries meanings of anticipation and fear. Sometimes, both meanings are together and sometimes only fear. When there is anticipation, then there may be an element of fear mixed with hope. YAKHSHA is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means: the action of anticipating (fear and some hope) is happening by the subject (third person singular) for the object (Allah)

Illa: Except/ if not
Allaha: Allah
faAAasa: Then perhaps/then hopefully
olaika: those
an: that
yakoonoo: They be/they happen to be
Note: YAKOONOO is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being. YAKOONOO is an action that is being completed or will be completed that is derived from the root. It means: they be/ they happen to be.
Mina: Amongst/ among
Almuhtadeena: the guided ones
Note: ALMUHTADEENA is derived from the root H-D-Y and it means gift in all it’s forms and it carries the meaning of guidance since guidance is a gift. ALMUHTADEENA are the guided ones.
Salaam all and have a great day

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