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Salaam all,

هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِينِ الْحَقِّ لِيُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّينِ كُلِّهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ
Huwa allathee arsala rasoolahu bialhuda wadeeni alhaqqi liyuthhirahu AAala alddeeni kullihi walaw kariha almushrikoona
The Aya says:
He, the one who sent His messenger with the guidance and the true accountability in order to make it prevail over all accountabilities, even if the polytheists disliked.
My personal note:
I translated DEEN as accountability rather than the usual translation of religion because that word encompasses more of the meaning of DEEN as something that the person holds himself or herself accountable to spiritually, but also in many other aspects of their life including their conducts towards their own selves, others and the society they are living in.

Translation of the transliterated words:

Huwa: He
Allathee: the one who
Arsala: sent/ envoyed
Note: The root is R-S-L and it means to envoy someone or a group of people or animals. The concrete word is RASL and it means a group of people or animals that were sent by their owners or senders. RUSULUN means messengers of and is the plural of RASOOL who is the one that is sent and is used to mean the messenger because he was sent by the sender to the receiver. ARSALA is an action that is completed. It means: the action of sending the object (RAsoolahu= his messenger) happened by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah)
rasoolahu: his messenger/ His envoy
Note: RASOOLAHU is derived from the root R-S-L and it means to envoy someone or a group of people or animals. The concrete word is RASL and it means a group of people or animals that were sent by their owners or senders. RUSULUN means messengers of and is the plural of RASOOL who is the one that is sent and is used to mean the messenger because he was sent by the sender to the receiver. RASOOLA means messenger of or the envoy of. HU means him and it points to Allah.
Bialhuda: by/ with the guidance
Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it. In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action. This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on. ALHUDA is derived from the root H-D-Y and it means gift in all it’s forms and it carries the meaning of guidance since guidance is a gift. ALHUDA is the guidance or the gift of guidance.
Wadeeni: and religions of/ and accountability of
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA is often translated as an addition (and), but inclusion probably covers the meaning a little better. DEENI is derived from the root D-Y-N and it means debt or law or religion. What groups them together is the concept of obligation and accountability, since religion is the obligation of man towards God. DEENI is obligation or religion or accountability of, with religion being the obligation of man towards God
Alhaqqi: the right/ the binding right
Note: the root is Ha-Qaf-Qaf and it means binding right where right means correct as well s what is due to one person (rights and obligations). ALHAQQI means the right or the binding right and so on.
Liyuthhirahu: to make it rise/ to make it prevail
Note: li means in order to or to. YUTHHIRAHU is derived from the root THa-H-R and it means Back (as opposed to stomach) in the concrete word. Conceptually form it can the meaning of To back/to support and also to externalize as opposed to internalize and to be on top since the back of the animal is the top of the animal and so on. YUTHHIRAHU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making the object (HU= him pointing to DEENI Alhaqqi) rise/ prevail is happening by the subject (third person singular).
AAala: above/ one

alddeeni: the law/ the religion/ the accountability
Note: the root is D-Y-N and it means debt or law or religion. What groups them together is the concept of obligation and accountability, since religion is the obligation of man towards God. DEENAN is obligation or religion or accountability, with religion being the obligation of man towards God.
Kullihi: all of it
Note: KULLI is derived from the root K-L-L and it means the parts put together. This is the concrete and it means all or every or each. HI means it.

Walaw: even if
Kariha: they disliked/ they hated/ they resisted
Note: the root is K-R-H and it means doing something when unwilling and hating to do it or just disliking an entity. Therefore, conceptually, it takes the meaning of disliking an entity. For actions it takes the meaning of hating to do something and being forced to do something against will. KARIHA is an action that is completed. It means the action of hating or disliking or resisting happened by the subject (third person plural)
almushrikoona: the ones who make partners (To Allah)/ the polytheists
Note: the root SH-R-K and it means partner or partnership and with this partnership is a measure of equality or being on par. ALMUSHRIKOONA are the ones who make partners to God in worship or in action and that includes the polytheists.
Salaam all and have a great day

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