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Salaam all,

Waitha quria alquranu faistamiAAoo lahu waansitoo laAAallakum turhamoona

The aya says:
And if and when the Qur’an is recited then listen to it and pay close attention in the hope that you will be covered with mercy.

My personal note:
The message here is for listening to the Qur’an whenever we hear it recited and to pay attention by not indulging in other activities at the time.

According to the pay of books of Tafsir, one of the areas of most importance is to listen and be quite when theQur’an is recited while praying the prayer where the Imam recites the Qur’an for all to hear. It is a message to the ones behind him not to make noises of whatever kind and to listen and help others listen as well.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Waitha: and when/ and If and when
Quria: is read
Note: the root is Qaf-R-Hamza and it means reading/ reciting or expressing and letting something come out. One other concrete word is Menses because it is the letting of the internal blood come out. Same thing for delivery of a baby it is also called QARA’. QURIA is an action that is completed. It means: the act of expressing or reciting the object (The Qur’an) happened in a conditional manner by an undeclared subject.
Alquranu: the Qur’an/ the recitation/ the expressed words
Note: the root is Qaf-R-Hamza and it means reading/ reciting or expressing and letting something come out. One other concrete word is Menses because it is the letting of the internal blood come out. Same thing for delivery of a baby it is also called QARA’. The Qur’an therefore means expressed words through reading and recitation. AL Qur’an is therefore the expressed words of GOD and that is shared through reading it or listening to it’s recitation or otherwise.
faistamiAAoo: then listen (plural)/ then make yourselves listen
Note: FA means therefore or so or then. ISTAMiAAoo is derived from the root S-M-Ain and and it means hearing or hearing and understanding or knowing and retaining at the same time. It also can mean hearing and approving or concurring at times. ISTAMiAAooi is an order addressing a group. It means: listen or make an effort to listen
Lahu: to it
Waansitoo: and pay close attention/ and be quite
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. ANSITOO is derived from the root N-Sad-TTa and it means being quite to pay close attention. ANSITOO is an order to a group to be quite and pay close attention.
laAAallakum; perhaps you (plural)/ in the hope that you
turhamoona: you will be graced/ you will be covered with mercy
Note: the root is R-Ha-M and it means womb in concrete. This term is used to mean mercy and all the good that the womb provides. TURHAMOONA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of mercifulness will happen to the object (second person plural) by an undeclared subject.

Salaam all and have a great day.

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