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Salaam all,

Waothkur rabbaka fee nafsika tadarruAAan wakheefatan wadoona aljahri mina alqawli bialghuduwwi waalasali wala takun mina alghafileena
The Aya says:
And mention/ remember (singular) your nurturing Lord in yourself pleasdingly and fearing and short of loud speech in the beginnings of the day and the ends of the day, and do not be amongst the ones who do not pay attention.
My personal note:
The Aya gives an order to a singular and that is understood as the prophet Muhammad upon him be peace but it is also addressing each one of us singularly as well.

The fearing component can cover two fears:
1- Fearing anything and therefore Allah helps you with the fear in giving you peace because the Qur’an also says “ Indeed by remembering Allah the hearts reach peace”
2- Fearing Allah and in here it should be within the context of Loving Him and fearing Him and having hope in His Grace at the same time but should never be fear alone.

The new word in the Aya is ASAL which I translated as the ends of the day because the word is derived from the root ASL which means the lowest of the entity and at the end of the day the sun is at low level in the sky. In other contexts that root means the root of the tree and the basement of the house or the foundation of the house. In terms of ideas and opinions the ASL the basis on which one builds their opinions.
Translation of the transliterated words:

Waothkur: and mention/ and remember
Note: WA here is to start a new statement with an and. OTHKUR OTHKUROO is derived from the root TH-K-R and it means mention and remember, at the same time. The concrete word is something running on the tongue as if speaking it. Another concrete word is male or the male organ. The relationship between the two is not very clear and they can be different words that share the sound but have different root. It could be that the male is considered the active organ and that memory is an active process, but that is only a theory. OTHKUR is a demand or request addressing an individual. It means: mention and remember at the same time.

rabbaka: your (singular) nurturing Lord
Note: RABBAKA is derived from the root R-B-B and it means nurturing and Lordship as two components of the meaning that can be present together or one at a time according to the context of the sentence. RABBA is nurturing Lord of. KA means singular you.
Fee: in
Nafsika: yourself
Note: the root N-F-S and it means breath. NAFSI means a breath, but it also means a self, because the self breathes. KA means yours.
tadarruAAan: pleadingly/ pleading
the root is Dhad-R-Ain and it carries in the concrete the feeling of weakness and awareness of weakness and need. One concrete meaning is the breast feeding infant and so he is pleading and is in great need for the milk. Also, the fact that the breast milk will provide food that is only adequate to the very young and therefore not sufficient. Conceptually, it is used for people who know their great need and are asking with humility and with pleading. It is also conceptually used for situation where the need is great and the supply is meager. TADARRuAAN means pleading.
Wakheefatan: and fearingly/ and fearing
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. KHEEFATAN is derived from the root KH-W-F and it means fear. KHEEFATAN means fearingly or fearing.
Wadoona: and short of
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. DOONA is derived from the root D-W-N and it means short of someone or something. It can also mean lower than at times depending on the plane of thought of the sentence. DOONA means short of or below of.
Aljahri: the loud expression/ the shouting
Note: The root is J-H-R and it means to make things apparent and wide open with the aim of it being noticed and not missed. This is then is taken conceptually to mean any unhidden or loud expression in voice or vision and so on. ALJAHRI means the loud/ clear and unhidden and apparent of.
Mina: of/ from
Alqawli: the speech
Note: ALQAWLI is derived from the root Qaf-W-L and it means saying in any way possible. ALQAWLI is the speech or the statement.

Bialghuduwwi: in the morning/ in the beginning of the day
Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it. In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action. This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on. ALGHUDUWWI is derived from the root Ghain-D-W and it means the beginning of the day. ALGHUDUWWI is the beginning of the day or morning.

Waalasali: and the evening/ the end of the day
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. ALASAL is derived from the root Hamza-Sad-L and it means the lowest point of an entity. In concrete for the tree the ASL of the tree is it’s root and for the building it’s foundation and so on. Conceptually it points to the base that you build on your argument or point of view. In relation to the daytime, ASL points to the time when the sun reaches a low point in the sky and it towards the afternoon and before sunset.
Wala: and not
Takun: be
Note: TAKUN is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being. TAKUN is an action that is being completed or will be completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of being is happening or will be happening by the subject (second person singular). Because it was preceded by negation it becomes an order not to be.
Mina: of/ from/ amongst
Alghafileena: the ignoring one/ the ones who do not pay attention
Note: ALGHAFILEENA is derived from the root is GH-F-L and it means not paying attention. ALGHAFILEENA are the ones who are not paying attention

Salaam all and have a great day

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