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Salaam all,

Waith yaAAidukumu Allahu ihda alttaifatayni annaha lakum watawaddoona anna ghayra thati alshshawkati takoonu lakum wayureedu Allahu an yuhiqqa alhaqqa bikalimatihi wayaqtaAAa dabira alkafireena
The Aya says:
And as Alla promises you (plural) that one of the two groups be for you while you prefer that the one without the fight be for you. And Allah seeks to make the binding right established by His statements, and make the rejectors extinct.
My personal note:
This aya has a story behind it and that there was a caravan that the Muslims were aiming to raid and get it’s booty as recompense for their losses in having left Mecca and give up their living and belongings to migrate to Medina. The caravan ended up not being raided but the rejectors of Mecca sent an army to fight and eliminate the Muslims in a famous battle of Badr. The Muslims won that battle. So, they did not get the financial gains of the caravan but had the military victory in this first battle of the history of Islam.

Some clarifications related to the “make the binding right established by Allah’s statements”. Allah’s statements are beyond count and they include in particular the following that are related to this Aya:
1- Orders to the Muslims of dos and don’t’s and so on.
2- Ordinances to the angels of how things will happens and should happen and turn out in the end.
3- Statements to clarify the religion and make it clear from the falsehoods including teachings and informations and ideas the religion is based on.
So, to establish the truth by His words include all of the above and Allah made the matters turn the way they are and He ordered the Muslims to fight that battle and made them win it. However, the very important point as well is that Allah’s ideas are the ones that eventually prevailed over falsehoods and so while fighting was needed it was the ideas included in Allah’s statements that ultimately won over the falsehoods. So, the ideas that are correct will eventually prevail because they are correct and expose falsehood. In this is a very important clarifications and that while fighting did occur at the time of the prophet upon him be peace, they were not great epic battles but more of skirmishes and eventually his ideas prevailed over the falsehood of his detractors whose ideas became extinct. That is what is meant at the end of the Aya that the ideas carried and supported militarily by his detractors will become extinct and they did become extinct.
Translation of the transliterated words:
Waith: and as
yaAAidukumu: He promises/ He promised
Note: the root is W-Ain-D and it means promise. WaAAeeD is a promise of punishment and so on. YaAAiDUKUM is an action that is being completed or will be completed that is derived from the root. It means: the action of promising is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular) to the object (KUM=plural you). Although the action is in the present tense, however because it came after the (ITH)= as) it takes the meaning of something that happened in the past because it recalls an incident.

Allahu: Allah
Ihda: one of
Note: the root is W-Ha-D and it means one. IHDA means one of
Alttaifatayni: the two groups/ the two categories.
TAIFATUN is derived from the root TTa-W-F and it means to go around something in circles so that you get the feeling that you surround it. This is the concrete meaning and the abstract can be related to it especially the meaning of knowing something very well and being keen about it. TAIFATUN is a circle in a conceptual manner. In the context of this Aya, it takes the meaning of a group or category that circles around some concept. ALTTAIFATAYNI means the two circles or the two categories..
Annaha: that it
Lakum: belong to you (plural)/ be yours
Watawaddoona: while you (plural) like/ prefer/ love
Note: the WA in this context and sentence takes the meaning of while or and but an and that takes the meaning of while. TAWADDOONA is derived from the root W-D-D and it means proper love. This means that this love is correct in all it’s angles and not placed in the wrong place. It can also point to preference and so on. TAWADDOONA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of loving or preferring is happening or will be happening by the subject (second person plural)
Anna: that
Ghayra: other than

Thati: one of
Alshshawkati: the thorn/ the arms/ the harm/ the fight
Note: the root is SH-W-K and it means thorns. Conceptually, it is used for thorns but also for sharp objects including arms that cause injury and harm. ALSHSHAWKATI means the arms or the harm and so on.
Takoonu: be
Note: TAKOONU is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being. TAKOONU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. Here it is in future sense. It means: The action of being will happen by the object (third person singular). It therefore means: it be

Lakum: belongs to you (plural)/ for you
Wayureedu: While He wants/ seeks/ while He aims
Note: WA here means more like while rather than and. YUREEDU is derived from the root R-W-D and it means in concrete the person that goes ahead of the people looking for resources. Therefore, the word has within it the meanings of pioneering, seeking and desiring. YUREEDU is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of seeking or wanting is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah).
Allahu: Allah
An: that/ to
Yuhiqqa: make the binding right established/ take its rightful
Note: ALHAQQA is derived from the root Ha-Qaf-Qaf and it means binding right where right means correct as well s what is due to one person (rights and obligations). ALHAQQ is binding right or binding truth or just right as the context suggests here. YUHIQQA is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means: make the object (alhaqaa= the binding right) reality or take place by the subject (third person singular)
alhaqqa : the binding truth/ the binding right
Note: ALHAQQA is derived from the root Ha-Qaf-Qaf and it means binding right where right means correct as well s what is due to one person (rights and obligations). ALHAQQ is binding right or binding truth or just right as the context suggests here.
Bikalimatihi: by His statements/ by His ordinances/ through His statements
Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it. In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action. This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on. KALIMATIHI is derived from the root K-L-M and it means wound or opening of the skin and that is the concrete word. It is also used to mean words or statements because those are the products of the opening of the mouth, which is an opening of the skin. Here it is used for word or statement. KALIMATI is the statements of. HI means him and points to Allah
wayaqtaAAa: and He cuts of/ including He cuts off
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. YAQTaAAa is derived from the root Qaf-Tta-Ain and it means cutting as a conceptual meaning which can be very concrete or differently. In this sentence, it is used more to mean make go away or disappear. YAQTaAAa is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of cutting the object (Dabir= behind) is happening or will be happening by the subject (first person singular).

dabira : behind/ following/ offspring/ effect
Note: the root is D-B-R and it means the end of an entity in a conceptual manner. This could be the behind of the entity or it could be the conclusion of a matter or business and so forth. DABIRU means: behind of. In this context, it is talking cutting off any consequence to them in term of offspring or following and so on..

Alkafireena: the rejectors
Note: ALKAFIREEN is derived from the root K-F-R and it means cover or bury in the ground, as in put the seed in the ground and cover it. This is then used conceptually for many purposes as in discarding and rejecting as well as burying. ALKAFIREENA are the ones who reject the truth or discard it.

Salaam all and have a great day

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