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Salaam all,

Liyuhiqqa alhaqqa wayubtila albatila walaw kariha almujrimoona

The Aya says:
In order that He establish the right and make the falsehood obsolete despite the dislike of the guilty party.

My Personal note:
This Aya establishes that Allah will support the truth and make the falsehood fail and reassures the followers or pursuers of the truth that the cause of the truth will prevail despite the resistance and dislike of the supporters of the falsehood.

Translation of the transliterated words:
Liyuhiqqa: to make the binding right established/
Note: LI means to or in order to. YUHIQQA is derived from the root Ha-Qaf-Qaf and it means binding right where right means correct as well s what is due to one person (rights and obligations). ALHAQQ is binding right or binding truth or just right as the context suggests here. YUHIQQA is an action that is happening or will be happening. It means: make the object (alhaqaa= the binding right) reality or take place by the subject (third person singular)
alhaqqa : the binding truth/ the binding right
Note: ALHAQQA is derived from the root Ha-Qaf-Qaf and it means binding right where right means correct as well s what is due to one person (rights and obligations). ALHAQQ is binding right or binding truth or just right as the context suggests here.

Wayubtila: and make obsolete/ and make false/ make fail
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA often corresponds with “and/ addition” but the more encompassing meaning is in inclusion one in another or all in a bigger picture or sentence. YUBTILA is derived from the root B-TTa-L and it means null or void or naught or false as in of no consequence. YUBTILA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of making the object (ALBATILA= the null/ falsehood) null and void is happening by the subject (third person singular pointing to Allah)

Albatila: the obsolete/ the false
Note: ALBATIL is derived from the root B-TTa-L and it means null or void or naught or false as in of no consequence. ALBATILA is the false or obsolete or of no consequence.
Walaw: even if/ despite
Kariha: they disliked/ they hated/ they resisted
Note: the root is K-R-H and it means doing something when unwilling and hating to do it or just disliking an entity. Therefore, conceptually, it takes the meaning of disliking an entity. For actions it takes the meaning of hating to do something and being forced to do something against will. KARIHA is an action that is completed. It means the action of hating or disliking or resisting happened by the subject (third person plural)

the guilty/ the criminals/ the severers of good ties
Note: the root is J-R-M and in concrete it means: harvesting the dates from the tree or separating/severing the dates from the tree. Conceptually, this word then carries many other meaning including a transgression because the transgression/criminal act is a separation or severing of ties with what is appropriate. ALMUJRIMOON are the ones who sever ties and those are the criminals and the guilty parties.

Salaam all and have a great day


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