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Salaam all,

وَقَاتِلُوهُمْ حَتَّى لاَ تَكُونَ فِتْنَةٌ وَيَكُونَ الدِّينُ كُلُّهُ لِلّه فَإِنِ انتَهَوْاْ فَإِنَّ اللّهَ بِمَا يَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ

Waqatiloohum hatta la takoona fitnatun wayakoona alddeenu kulluhu lillahi faini intahaw fainna Allaha bima yaAAmaloona baseerun

The Aya says:
And fight them so there will be no persecution and the accountability will all be for Allah. So if they stop then Allah, in what they do, all seeing.
My personal note:
The Aya and the whole chapter is about the first battle between the muslim state that was established in Medina and the people of Mecca who persecuted them and forced many of them to migrate and leave.

The Aya says to fight them so that there is no persecution/ severe test through persecution and therefore explained to them the reason for the fight. It is to remove persecution and to allow them to practice their religion and religious obligations all for the sake of Allah without persecution or hindrance imposed by others.
I translated the word DEEN and accountability which is my new way of looking at that word. The word is often translated as religion but it carries with it a sense of accountability and obligation. The word itself comes in the Qur’an to mean law and also accountability and judgement as in the day of deen in the first Sura of the Qur’an to point to the day of Judgement.

Translation of the transliterated words:

Waqatiloohum: and fight them
Note: WA here is in order to start a statement or a sentence. QATILOOHUM is derived from the root Qaf-T-L and it means killing or actions that potentially can lead to death including injury and others. QATILOOHUM is an order addressed to a group. It means fight them
Hatta: until/ in order to
La; not
takoona: be
Note: TAKOONA is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being. TAKOONA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. Here it is in future sense. It means: The action of being will happen by the object (third person singular). It therefore means: it be
fitnatun: a test/ a severe test/ a trial/ severe test through persecution
Note: the root is F-T-N and it means in concrete form, the melting of Gold or silver in order to know the pure from the impure or the true from the fake. Therefore, in abstract, the word suggests an extreme test with hardship in it, or a burn with fire or even taking someone’s eyes with the glitter of the false Gold and silver. Here, it means the severe test or trial. FITNATUN means testing and trialing.
Wayakoona: and be/ and becomes
Note: WA is a letter that links what is before with what is after. This link is through inclusion, either one is included in the other or they are all included in the bigger sentence or bigger picture. WA is often translated as an addition (and), but inclusion probably covers the meaning a little better. YAKOONA is derived from the root K-W-N and it means being. YAKOONU is an action that is being completed or will be completed that is derived from the root. It means: it will be or it becomes.
Alddeenu: the law/ the religion/ the accountability
Note: the root is D-Y-N and it means debt or law or religion. What groups them together is the concept of obligation and accountability, since religion is the obligation of man towards God. DEENAN is obligation or religion, with religion being the obligation of man towards God.

Kulluhu: all of it
Note: KULLA is derived from the root K-L-L and it means the parts put together. This is the concrete and it means all or every or each. It can also be extended conceptually to mean the parts surrounding an entity. KULLU means all of. HU means him and points to the Deen which is the law/ religion/ accountability.

Lillahi: belongs to Allah
Faini: so if
Intahaw; they desisted/ they stopped
Note: The root is N-H-Y and it means stopping or ending or desisting. This then takes different form according to the plane of thought of the sentence. INTAHAW is an action that is completed. It means: the action of ordering or making oneself to cease and desist happened by the subject (third person plural). Here it is a beginning of a conditional statement so it expects an answer.
Fainna: then
Allaha: Allah
Bima: in what
Note: BI signifies an attachment or close linkage between what is before and what is after it. In a Verbal sentence it can mean attachment to the action or to the subject as it does the action. This attachment can then signify many things according to the verb and to the sentence and so on.
yaAAmaloona: they do/ to do
Note: the root is Ain-M-L and it means doing or work. YaAAaMALOONA is an action that is being completed or will be completed. It means: the action of doing or making is happening or will be happening by the subject (third person plural). The combination of KANOO YaAAMALOON gives the impression of this: they happened to be doing or they happened to do.
Baseerun: seeing/ all seeing
Note: The root is B-Sad-R and it is the sense of the eye. It also has the meaning of seeing deeply. Seeing deeply means the concrete, but it can be applied to the deep vision of the brain, the insight. BASEERUN means seeing or all seeing
Salaam all and have a great day

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